Good morning, Seeker!  And welcome to The Church of No Church!
Good morning, Seeker!  And welcome to the Religion of No Religion!
Good morning, Seeker!  Yes, the ancient-ever-new sun is rising, the endless-always-new day is dawning—
The Time of No Time is upon us… now-is-now… time for that hot, fresh, glorious first cup of dragonwell tea.
Hallelujah Jehovah Latte!  Om Mane Padme Humpity Dumpity!
Welcome Seeker, One-and-all!  
Welcome to Waking Consciousness!  
Welcome to Wide Awakeness!
Be Awake to Primordial Awareness Itself!
Be Awake to the Infinite Expanse of Bright
Unperturbed Space!
Be Awake to Infinite Unchartable Reaches
To the Vast Expanse of Luminous Emptiness
The Deeper-and-deeper Land!
To divine beaches to holy forests to blessed mountains—
To All That Arises Within and As  
Uncluttered Sky of Cave Mind!  
Be Awake to the Primal Beating Heart of Feeling Itself!
Be Awake to the One Bursting Full
Overflowing Conscious Heart of Radiant Reality Itself!
Be Awake to Immeasurable Blessings
To the Impossible Gift-of-gifts
That is Original One-and-only Life-of-life Ourself!
To the interpenetrating elements of earth water fire air and space
To the interdependent cycle of minerals plants animals and
To the Great Mystery of Blessed Life-in-all-forms
Arising dancing creating revealing and disappearing
Only to reappear—
Be Awake to All That Arises Within and As
Radiant Full-Feeling Sun-Centered Infinitely-Expanding All-Encompassing Feeling-Heart of Light!

Be Awake, friends.  
Be Alive to Magniloquent Mystery.
Be filled with the Outrageous Blessings of
Eternally Arising Awake
Holy Unified Consciousness-Reality-Bliss Itself.
Be Love.  Be Loved.  Beloved.
Welcome, Seeker One-and-all
Welcome to the enlivening doctrine-non-doctrine
To the everflowing discourses of dragonwell tea
To Myself-Yourself!
To the invisible scribe inside
To the always-wide-open tea house
In the great undiscovered land.
Welcome, Seeker.
To our health and wealth and ponderous indivisible biodiversity!!
Welcome home.
Welcome all together and alone.
Welcome to the eternal resting dome
To the temple without walls
Seeker’s here-and-now.
For here… and now… as far as sea raven’s eye can soar… as far as ear of grey whale can listen… as far as yonder dune grass can reach… to the far far shore… to Mad River Beach and back again… to the end of Kelly Avenue… to my father’s house in Mckinleyville by the Sea… there is—
Only Seeker Seeking Seeker  
Upon the near-far shores of nowhere  
And all seekers… young and old… wherever we roam… find only what… and who… and when… we are ever seeking

Hereupon within and braying beyond… squawking above or rumbling below… so
Please, Dearest Seeker.
Pull up this comfortable chair of air
This Wandering Wizard Stone… hand-carved by Kevin…  take
Take…  this Priceless Bone of Peace
And inhale freely—
Ah.  You don’t “wake and bake”?  No problemo, gringo…

Besides the ever-present, highly-recommended dragonwell tea.  This morning we are featuring:  Los Bagels La Granola, Redwood Hill Farm Vanilla Goat Milk Yogurt, and Cheery Bay Orchard’s Dried Montmorency Cherries!!  Yum yum yum!!!  Or the last couple of bites of yesterday’s Chill Out spinach burrito (delivered to us by Lisa’s heroic 2007 Honda Odyssey van with over 200k miles on it—still running like a champ!) direct from beautiful, sunny, voluptuous… exploding with springtime athletic bounty and outrageous succulents… surf central, Santa Cruz, Ca… on Pleasure Point(ed) 41st Street!
Top of the World Maaaaaa!!!
Along with the usual offering… earth.
Yes, friends, lovers, associates, pirates, connoisseurs of bliss…  
All seekers, us, we… Seeker One-and-all, seek… earth first!
Our touchstone.  Our talisman.  Our reminder.  Our reboot.  Our root  
For earth is ground.  Terra firma.  A place to stand upon.  A place to be from.  A place to pilgrimage to.  A place to be born into and a ground to be buried in.  A foundational-functional primordial-inherent unshakable-untamable built-in knowledge of self.  A grounding-sounding place.  A foot-worthy solid place.  A sure place to wiggle slither slide and glide.  To
and from.  A place to remember.  A place to celebrate.  To dance upon.  Sacred ground.   Holy lowly earth.  Mud clay sand.  Slimy banks.  The shoulders loins and lips of lava from whence we take our substance.  Our beloved nourishment.  Build our myriad.  Bodily rocky avalanching.  Wild glancing fancy.  Goofy dynamic shapes
Earth first.  The elemental fist gut and filigreed grist of what who and where we are.  Seeker One-and-all.  Earthborn Seeker.  Hiding riding residing in and as the envelope of conscious clay. Beloved on-duty-even-when-we-are-sleeping earth.  Rock-solid taking-care-of-business earth. Hungry earth.  Thirsty earth.  Hot earth.  Cold earth.  Patient earth.  Quiet earth.  Grounded-ground-hog-consciousness earth who provides a vessel for
What all seekers, us, we… Seeker One-and-all, seek…
Water second!  May I flood your skullcup?  Inbox?  An ode to breaking water—
O water seepage spillage village.  O sacred spring o life  
O magic potion.  Fluid eve-o-lution.  O downfalling.  O upwelling.  O Agitated squirt o ocean seedling.  O swollen egg n turgid stem.  O Graceful tree sprout o knowledge.  O fruit divine.  Rhaps-o-dic flow.  O Mother Blood.  O Great Flood  
O yoni son who is ever water-born.  Listen up  
Odysseus’ proud spawn. Holy Knower of All. Rocky coast roller.  Observer O the rosy-peaked dawn tide.  O She.  Our Dearest Mother Ocean.  And Yonder Venus Which Arises  
O Proud Phoenix.  O milky water sprite.  O Conscious Sea Star.  Orca Orcinus Erectus. The seawolf who is “Always Already” free.  Kith in the drift Net O eternal surprise. O dancing-prancing wave soul in a boundless Ocean-sky laver.  Dear wine-dark sea’s son o embryonic stirrings.  Gut-Heart-windings o blue oyster’s cloister.  Wherein murderous mermaids do Sing.  Raising up eels’ electric squirmings.  Prodding moist fears to Warming desire’s.  Motley myrmidon murmurings.  Runaway thought-Sparked charging seahorse feelings.  With Poseidon’s missile ever on high Alert

Come listen to uproarious sealions’ laughter.  To yonder’s frisson o pure Puppy-love delight.  Come cool down that creative-procreative solitude-Shattering matter.   Come soothe those garden-O-eden urges swelling Down under.  O flirtatious knight ever-ready.  Frightened fearless one
Come claim Life’s True Humor in the hotseat!  With a hole through the Center o the desert heat
O She!  O Glorious Goblet o Adam’s ale!  
O Wondrous Watery Womb o Infinite Space!  
O eternal mirror of self-reflection.  O promised oasis.  With its endless Clear depths o ardent self-deception  
And its Peerless Camel Ride Waterpark Perfection!!!
Come join me.  Wave seekers one n all.  Come hear blue wonder’s Mermaids sing—
Wit tongue-hied cacophony o aquatic ministry  
Heart-echoed bell-swell peelings o song  
Wit bottom ass-draggings’  
Fin-slashing waterfalls’  
Full bodily sandy prostrations  
O boy!
Wit knell-humbled wall-tumbled crumbly kneelings  
Wit Great Joy!
O dark ocean scary  
O stormy resounding wave-crashing freight trains  
O brain-smashing sea urchin music  
Impulsive dolphin fluttery lashes above  
Fearful yanks n leash tugs below  
O bright so white teeth o dark fins rising  
In the ever-churning palace  
Ever-yearning chalice
O Purl o Penetration! O Curl o Costly Delight!  

O! Thunder! O! Pain!
Oooo effluvescent bombardment abyssm
But O!  Once above!!!
Beloved life o love
Sweet anointed breath ringing singing
O light!
O constant shimmer n flow—
Perpetual Wet Promise o Pleasure’s Ecstatic Point!  
From that first parched-lip sea-swilling sun
Rising toll to  
That brain-freezing face-slapping nose-full o Camel Wash
That rude wake-up call at 5 am
Alarming-clock bell-ringing outside Moonstone
Wailing Wall on dawn patrol  
To the tankard flagon aluminum can popping
Sloshing Almighty!  
Longneck glass bottle o mellifluous muddle  
Pitching bliss-pot o
Yo-ho-ho jolly!
O Unrivaled Pacifico!  You are my true friend.  
And don’t forget that first dragonwell precious sip  
Or the last precarious perilous shot  
Drop o watery essence
O dragon-tongued tequila—  
O by the buy!  
Espolon Silver on sale at the Rite Aid Pharmacy
On Central Ave
In Mckinleyville by the Shining Big Sea Waters for only

O!  Bounteous Blessings!  O Beloved Elemental Water!
Baptismal gulp-immersion-flounder o renewal
Salty-dog purse-quencher-puncher  
Heart-mind-and-body soul drenching savior—  
O!  The Mystical Transubstantiation O!
The squishy-fishy-lishy-fluid-erotica  
O! Your transcendental nature!
The mysterious Holy Nuclear Trinity o one  
Slippery hydrogen atom catching hold o
Another like-minded fool
Then two frolicsome hydrogen atoms reeling on a spool  
In a tide pool  
In the near tropical Humboldt heat  
In the foamy liquid bliss at the Little River mouth  
In a wetsuit full o hot piss—
O.  Sounds fun
Moon-stoned on Moonstone
In the Rainbow Bubble!
In a fine pearly mist!
In the flow….
As a determined vesicle for penetrating jism  
Seeking the full services o a skillful mule  
Likewise opening its shadowy
To an open-hearted open-minded  
Playful wistful  

Breathing bobbling-gobbling oxygen
H!2!  O!  I love you!  
O?  Wtf….
O.  Just another close-out song o the school o surf-longing  
O happy glidings!  
On true love’s underpinnings  
Blood sweat wavering whale flukes
A slaver o Good Beer
Worn-out wetsuits—   
Cheers, good fellows!!  
A swansong sung by an old fool.  A wave-parting ode    
To the happy life o a lowly beach bum!
Who somehow learned to surf—
In mirth to atone.
To dawn’s icy fingers hands arms shoulders hips n multifidi  
Paddling frenzied to far horizons won!  
To swollen sea lioness dimples n grey whale ripples  
To bull frog last-minute popups  
To Sweet Travis Reynolds Longboards!  
To sweet-sweet sister-moon ever kissing yonder
Lips o ocean-sun     
To ice n steam’s dearest  
Nearest daughter—  
Heaven-sent true-blue water!
No mere cockatrice  
But a serpentine mistress with powerful redeeming fists!
A punch like a mad river

N a mouth that roars!!

O Beloved Holy lowly water!  
O Spiritous Liquid Sunshine… mundane sublime  
O Golly Water!  
eau de vie… de seaweed de eau de toilette… de weeeee!!!

Water o oceans seas gulfs bays rivers lakes streams ponds puddles skies
Circling without end filled with juicy living freaks with ecstatic zen
Watermen tumbling in the washing machines carving inside o womanly
Cloud peaks with whirling twirling pregnant wonder o thunder n bright
Lightning spilled to bursting o life thrusting giving rain growing pain n
Joy o liquid protein plastic elastic electric ambrosia musk honey love
Constantly waking watching absorbing recording consciousness stuff
Running funneling pummeling tunneling as rivulets dreams tears pools
Currents throbbing veins n tides o blood awareness who bubbles
Babbles bobbles sweats swelters shelters in the cellular matrix mother
Water bucket egg basket o squalling tales n leaky bawling brats

O.  Dat’s a mouthfill fo sho

Say what?!  Is there some kind of lesson is all this… verbal piss?!
I’d say…  The glass is neither half-full, nor half-empty.

His tea cup runneth over…  or maybe he drowned in it?!
Oh.  Ah, so?
Welcome, Dear Seeker!!  To the flow that never ends
To what all seekers, us, we… Seeker One-and-all, seek
Oh noooooooo!!!
Hang in there, Mr. Bilge!  The Phoenix ariseth in the third pot!!
Fire three.  Returning.  Re-emerging.  Folding into.  Rolling on boil—
Beyond the metaphysical musical fart o the right.  Infinitely above the many-tiered spiral-galactic lotus-flower-blossoming out the top o our collective-mushroom-head.  Melting-down the meat n fat. Crashing-asunder the joints n organs.  All o it-us.  The sweet-n-sour.  The yin n ylang-ylang.  Into the primal prismatic plasma stew pot.  Into the inconceivable mind-scalding quark-hissing kaleidoscopic Kalika pressure-cooker cauldron o original chaos that is infinite eternal radiant consciousness-bliss.  Into the cosmic crucible o bright  
To merely call it fire?  The third element which we seek.  Which we are.  Warmth. Companionship.  Camaraderie.  Kinship.  Passion.  A bond of   
Fire seems a tad lame, me laddees. Yes. Without heat we are dead meat for sure.  But.  The sizzle aside.  Perhaps a less than adequate metaphor.  Like a Red and a White bindu?  A Midnight sun?  For the Bright-Liquid-Golden-White-God-Zillion-Volt-Neutron-Star-Radiance-o-Silent-Running-Deep-Screaming-One-Billion-n-One-Trumpet-Blaring-Fifth-Stage Self-Recognition.  Uh-huh.  Whatever.  The objective third-eye-opening sudden-miraculous-appearance of a purposeful-electric-living-light-bulb lightning-streaming white-dwarf plasma-orb silent-awareness-bubble writhing gently with highly-concentrated-tenderness at the heart-center of this everyone.  Every-sun-every-planet-every-atom.  The impossible
implosion of energetic bright wisdom at the melting core of every full-feeling scintillating-star-clustering galaxy.  Which we are.
The unspeakable “I Am”?  That’s a perennial understatement!
Fettuccine brain noodles cooked with kundalini spun nebulae lion heart quasars tossed in Federico Fellini on acid
Fire.  The elemental maestro o perpetual titillation.  Eros with a poison-froggy-tipped arrow.  A heat rash in the grotto.  A house o haut fashion.  Gordon Ramsey in a fit o rage
Jimi Hendrix on stage at  
Fire?  Do we serve up “The Fire” here?  Sir, ladies… without further ado
Eh.  What is dust without lust?  A serpent without a flame?  A lizard without a lighter?
Trust me.  We shall all be burned to ashes and diamonds at dusk…
Or, 420… avatar
Ah.  Roger wrenbone, 420, this is Houston…
Stop.  Full stop. Take a deep breath. Pause and hold.  Now—
The Holy Secret of Real Fire must be kept hidden always.  
(Consult: Liver of Prometheus.  Or, martyrs: Ptolemaeus and Lucius.)  
From the ignorant, mortal descendants of Macedonia.  Under the deepest, underground plinthus.  Guarded by the ever-watchful, snidely sphynxes.  In the safe, sound-proof vaults of the Duat.  Within inside the secure walls of the fortress, Halls of Amenti.   
Which open eternally—
Which are locked from the insides

Double-locked! Triple-locked!
Guarded by Immortal Death!
Preserved by Pecunious Python!!
Forever and ever!
To the silent portals
O the distant reaches
O the darkest deeps
O empty top secret  
Really?  No shit.  
Real Fire is way way too dangerous for us mere humans, darlin.  Take it from me.  One who knows.  Real Fire is even too dangerous to speak of—
SHHHhhhhhh…….  whisper softly… and… pass me dat spliff
Yo.  Real Fire cannot.  Will not.  Be tamed!  Or explained away by the science of religion… or…  Is it the religion of science?
It is… The Generator Operator and Destroyer of all that appears
It’s   <<<The Original Problem>>>  the very ancient and latest greatest quantum equation… the one that won’t be solved.
The Primum Mobile.  
The Adam-and-Eve Dilemma.
“Can’t get no…”
That Electric Ladyland Kali Mother Black Cat Bone Bitch Wit Da Sparkles!!
Down on Bourbon moss likely—
Pure Unchained Imagination.
The walkie-talkie-movie-rerun mind-o-man runnin amuck.
Dang… dat big hairy woman in da purple yoga pants down on Grand Ave !
Once  <<<The Unmentionable It>>>  is summoned—

Once dis bad mofo dream-o-genie is out o dat magic lamp… dis “fire cat” o nekid puress desire… dis dang frizzy-dizzy techno-wizard-bitch… wit a million painted eyes and a billion painted lips
And psychedelic hips?!
Oh yeah.  Glorious Golden Podices!  A badunkadunk hunk o twistin burnin… what a shame… it’s too late…  she’s famous… game over  
… fire that can’t be extinguished!

Jesus, apostles, imams, emirs…  gentlemen…  we’re doomed.
The Kali Yuga bees upon us

An somehow you thunk you was gonna get three sweet-n-nasty wishes!?!  lol
Three sweet fatal bitches fo da nite in real tight black leather britches my ass!!
Fire is  >>>Triple-DDD Desire<<<  and it’s simply endless you mofo fool.  Fire juss kinnles n ignites mo fire.  There’s no stoppin it.  As in, World War 123… 123
Sure.  We all wants to “Have It All”!!  That swell swanky sheetrock ranch house o… our American-made Chinee-dreampie in the land o… white homogenized gmo milk n Monsanto round-up friennly… white cane sugar… wit mountains o sugar-frosted peter-cotton-tail… costly skanky snakes o porn…  Who don’t, bitch?!  
But think again, bro.  Afor you go reachin inta dat pot o flamin gold.  Or rather… shut your bloody-fuckin beggin-weedlin protestinatin-imaginatin… hard-on brain-mind… rappin-ass motor-mouth… down fo juss a minute, bro.  Chill out.  Be cool.  Keep it on the down low
Hey, yo…  gimme a hit o dat o-rij-nl gang-bangr firestick, bro

The Real Secret.  Not “The Secret”.  Dat LA One.  The Agape.  The Brother-Mother-Church Secret.  The Movie.  Da Book.  You know…
Dang nigga, don’t you know nuttin?  
The Real Secret… is…  Real Fire.
The first puff is…  the magic dragon
Is…  the final solution to our unquenchable… future
Is the flames within… wherein… we all—
Hell.  The  <<<Really! Big! Bang!>>>  all over agin niggas…
We’re all toast!!  No hope here, folks.  Big Bad White-Rump-Ass Nigga gots his funny-ass finga on da button in da bunka
Like I said… Big Blam all-ova-gin

That is why all… seekers, us, we… Seeker One-and-all, seek…
Fresh Air!  The fourth element.  With Terry Gross on NPR!
An Judy Woodruff on PBS?
Man!  Look at dat dang raccoon go!!  
No man.  Dass… cbd’s
Huh?  What!?  Dass MPR!!
Dass like…  Lake We-be-gone gitchee-gumme mutha-fucckas!!!

Next.  Keep moving along folks.  Don’t want to get burned by dem democratic switches up in Michigan

Three words fo dat….  Minn  E  Haha.  Oh shit.
Air.  O Elemental Green Goddess Divine fill us lungs to burstin  
Woooo-ooo-eee…. We needs some air in here.  Who says, where dere’s smoke dere hain’t fire?
I thinks we gots to go to sum brave new worls where no mutha fuckas dun ever been afor to get away from dis dang toxic cloud o smoke
Opena winnow, mofos.  Let in some fresh breeeeze.  Now.  Where was we, niggas?
Hea… mo less
Dat.  Is sum crazy shiitt!!

Was dat da…  Disgrumbled Water Cowpoke… gettin all choked up in his beer a moment ago?
Yeah.  Tinkso

Muss been… Da Sermon on da Camel’s back?
Ridin on water backwards inta da settin sun
Shut ta fuckup! will ya

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