spirit and Spirit

Good morning Lovely!!
Just wanted to tell you something that may or may not be helpful.  I have been disembodied as Spirit on several occasions.  What is quite apparent upon dropping the body-mind form is that....  how to say?  ummm....  Memory is entirely brain-based.  We exist as a pure floating, selfless energy body.  Imagination with all of its personal identity.....  its stories, as you like to say..... does not exist outside of the human body-mind form.  The formless energy matrix of spirit is exactly as the spiritual masters teach: It is One.  With no actual, separate human body-form as on planet Earth to weight us down, and no memory to tie us to a person, place and a self-identity story, we essentially float away with no regard whatsoever for life here on this planet.  We become as we are, as spirit in life, truly selfless and unattached to phenomena, including loved ones, and everyone else here.  There simply is no self-identity, no story, outside of the human body and human (brain) mind.  In fact, when people have strokes, or their brains are damaged in certain areas....  they may no longer have the ability to remember anything personal, including all of the subtleties of who they were.....  they may not even remember a speck of what comes with their utterly forgotten name, or who they loved dearly in this lifetime, much less any other lifetime...... or even remember how to shape and form words....  words are a purely culturally learned and acquired human skill....  in spirit form, words are neither necessary, nor spoken....  there is no one there to speak to and no tongue and mouth and brain to speak from.....  most of what we take for granted in human existence is brain and body based.  There are no planets and places, etc. on the other side.... It's not even a side.  All of spirit is drawn with irresistible force back into the formless energy matrix of all and the One.  Consciousness in the form we know embodied, consciousness as awareness exists....  movement and light occur within the infinitude of conscious space....  but, there are no separate forms, no separate self identities, no entities....  separation as we experience it in the realm of form does not exist in spirit.  The most that can be said is: Spirit is One.
I just bring this up, because it is my own direct experience....  and, because, I think all of these mystics and mediums who paint pictures of a disembodied world of ghosts, angels, spirits and entities, etc....  are really doing us a disservice.  The world that they are drawing from is entirely brain-based.....  human imagination is the subtle realm of angels, ghosts, little people, nereids, aliens, flying saucers, leprechauns, other worlds, etc....  all of it....  the subtle realm of dreams is imagination and brain based....  the imaginary world of angels and beloved departed ones, the dead, all of that is entirely brain based....  it is the subtle realm of living embodied human imagination....  story telling is just that....  story telling originates and lives in the brain of a living human organism....  outside of the brain.... outside of the human body.....  spirit does not exist independently....  it is nothing like we imagine it to be.
One is welcome in life to imagine our departed beloveds as walking along and talking to us and inhabiting a subtle form.  This may be reassuring, comforting… but....  the reality of it, from my direct experience of death in life....  is that the dead are purely a figment of imagination, visions within the mind’s eye, appearing in an imagined human form....  just as you and I are....  The dead in actuality are… Spirit.  Spirit is One.  There are no in between angelic or ghostly forms
with separate identities, duties, pairs or multiples of eyes, voices like the wind....  sorry....  none of that....  that's for human imaginations.....  all of what we think of as humans.....  spirits and spirit worlds....  that's all present.... only in the brain-based imaginations of living humans...  the dead don't exist in any forms whatsoever....  there are no dead....  no grateful dead....  no wandering dead....  no dead knocking on doors or moving tables and chairs....  graveyards are grassy, empty plots for living brains to connect through imagination with the memories of departed long-gone loved ones.... who simply do not exist outside of the imaginations and memories of the living
I tell you this purely out of compassion… Dropping the body, drops all attachment to the body-brain story....  It's done.  Done entirely.  From the perspective of spirit....  it, the story, the human self..... never existed....  there is no stored memory outside the human brain....  there is no use whatsoever for imagination outside the human brain...  All is known within and as the One...  but, it is not a human knowing....  that is why enlightened teachers often choose silence as a much better form of communication of the condition and nature of spirit.


dig this.....  the logical thing is to say that when the brain shuts down....  but, hold on....  when the individual brain shuts down.....  consider that time is a human brain construct in four or five basic dimensions....  that the so-called "time" that we experience as human beings is a brain-based human anatomy program....  assuming that the experience of space which we call time....  is entirely experienced in and only as a human condition from the perspective of a human brain....  I would suggest that the split-split second before death, or the actual withdrawal of spirit-life from the human brain mechanism....  could be experienced from the mind, or brain-based subtle perspective of a human....  as ten thousand lifetimes....  what I mean to say is, once the body shuts down to such a point....  that only the final and most vital portion of the human program and anatomy is still aware and alive....  once freed of the strictures and feedback mechanisms of the human body beyond the brain core...  the story and story-teller merge as one.... in the freed mind of the pure mind experiencer....  spirit still seated in the realm of mind and imagination....  could travel untold distances, have innumerable experiences, live ten thousands of lifetimes....  go to heaven(s), hell(s), on holy pilgrimages, see the infinite gods and goddesses, assume any shapes and forms possible to human imagination....  within what would appear to the human on the outside as less than a second....  am I making this clear?
I am suggesting that other realms and worlds, visions of loved ones, great mystical journeys, entire other lives could flash before the living mind of conscious awareness in the split seconds before disengagement.....  once the limits of the body are dropped in the moments before death....  all of purgatory and/or perfect paradise opens up....  for what could be experienced by the dreamer in a state of pure mind as an infinite number of lifetimes....  or, at least well...  until it plays itself out and spirit-life.....  prana, chi..... disengages from the living body mind....  at which point, the prana, chi, life force, as you have witnessed exits the body and is drawn back by the tractor beam, the giant super-magnet....  back into the bright
ball of conscious light that is the disembodied form of the One, or Source of all and All
my guess like yours is something like....  the conscious light, the Source, the Bright....  the One Divine Person....  divides Itself into the apparent multitudinous many....  for its own amusement
the Universe is not designed as a question exactly....  as a Great Mystery (although it certainly is from the human mind perspective....), the Universe is not created as a question to be answered or a riddle to be solved at all....  It's actually a Big Joke....  an enormous appearing, but really really simple joke
It, the apparent Universe of Form and Formless is a knock knock joke.....  The Formless Unborn Consciousness says to the born human in conscious form
and then the human sits there....  and of course, the human is suppose to say:  Who's there?  And then, Formless Consciousness doesn't say anything
but really, the answer to knock knock is.....  well, yes....   who is there
only without the question mark at the end....  and not spoken aloud at all
the answer which is spoken silently in the mind is simply....  who is there
just who.... the silent who..... who is there....
the problem, the whole big apparent human, mind-based, existential problem of it all....  is in the question mark? the who is there....?  the who am I? part....
there is no answer to the who am I?  there never has been a satisfactory verbal answer to who am I?

large occasion

well.....  ended up with about fifteen folks over here to hear john and samrat play in the front room....  samrat is the indian tablas player who has married an american girl....  woe....  he started playing tablas in india on his father's lap at two and now he is twenty-seven....  he really stole the show....  an impressive concert I must say.... surrounded by the groovy art goddesses, with mostly adi da ashramies from trinidad and all my little household swamis and saints.... it was an altogether sacred occasion....   you guys would have loved it....
i've continued to ask questions about death, dying and re-birth, etc.....  these things interest me.....  perhaps it would be good to have some inkling of the death process to prepare in life, perhaps not....  I tend quite naturally toward the platonic schools of: the unexamined life is not worth living....  which doesn't preclude divine ignorance by any means in my book....  the two may exist happily side by side....  mystery and insight...  meditation and inquiry.....  so, I was given a pretty good answer from the void the other day
it was pointed out to me that nothing is actually hidden from view.....  the formless realm is always present.....  to say that it is hidden is not really true....  space is present everywhere at all times within as well as surrounding all things....  space is not hidden, not hiding from view....  space is perfectly contiguous with form....  in fact, form cannot arise without space....  thoughts arise in space....  beings appear in space.....  the space within us and the space outside of us are a perfectly seamless whole....  when space is perceived as one substance, one taste....  then the distinction between the space in the room, the space within dreams, and the space between thoughts....  becomes quite meaningless....  space is always space no matter what is arising
space is primordial, eternal reality in other words....  space is the singular realm of appearance and disappearance....  all apparent things arise from space and return to space....  the ground we walk on and are buried in is no less or more of space....  than the ground of being out of which our thoughts and emotions arise....  space is space....  no difference
where does a flower come from?  where does a thought come from?  where does a baby come from?  where does a flower, a thought, a person.....  go when they die?
so you see....  all appearances......  tables, chairs, rocks, rivers ..... all incarnate beings.....  people, birds, trees, whales....  all experiences....  thoughts, emotions, visions, conceptual matrices.....  all of it....  all of it arises in primordial space....  spontaneously, mysteriously, effortlessly....  
all of it arises in and as space....  and all of it returns to its source....  dissolves into its primordial essence....  resolves itself in and as..... luminous, empty, nameless, faceless, unborn, eternal, egoless....  conscious space
so naturally death will present itself to us as luminous empty space.....  the bright expanse of vast nameless empty sky
the question is: will we notice?
do we even notice now?
there really is no other side....  no hidden realm....  no land of the living verses land of the dead
nothing whatsoever is hidden from view....  absolutely nothing
you are space.....  i am space.....  who is hiding from whom?
life is space.....  death is space....  where is there to go?
ah so.

zero-point energy......

planck's density....  vacuum fluctuation....  it means that inside of absolute stillness there is always motion....  inside of absolute smallness there is always infinite space....  what the zen buddhists have said for a millennium....  concentrate the vastness of mind through disciplined awareness to a single bindu point....  bring all motion to apparent stillness.....  collapse a star, a galaxy....  the universal apparition of reality itself to a singularity...  and one will witness a really big bright explosion..... the Big Bang....  one will experience the birth....  creation, evolution and present appearance of all the "ten thousand things" out of the void....  since we are one of and one with all the ten thousand things appearing in reality, it is logical to conclude that....  all of the ten thousand things, infinite space, infinite light, all that appears and disappears can only be one....  grand miraculous display....  appearing within and as us.... arising constantly and returning into radiant emptiness.....  light constantly dancing in and as consciousness itself.....  still unmoving, unborn eternal awareness and radiant eternally alive moving energy.... spirit moving in the void....  how to describe the ground of being itself?  protons racing around in the quantum field....  apparently consciousness itself.....  the protons and electrons of the who and what we are....  gives birth to itself..... out of a black hole....  and so.....  after satori, back to work....  no escape from the self....  the only one who is.....  is.....  eternal....  that means we are able to witness our birth and know our death simultaneously....  and, actually....  it is happening every moment....  every micro-second.....  but, the on-board computer moving at near light speed is able to keep up the illusion of an independently arising life form....  there's a time-lag between experience and awareness of experience...  just enough to fool us....  pretty neat trick....  in fact, it's just like ayahuasca.... a chemical slight-of-hand....  we're hallucinating on dimethyltriptomine and who knows what all....  the body has a drip of the right natural chemical additives so that it slows down the hallucination process....  the projection.... just enough to give the appearance of what we know as the earthly plane....  we don't catch the fact that we're creating our own reality, because we're distracted by survival imperatives in what appears to be a very delicate, vulnerable life form....  we don't recognize ourselves as unborn consciousness itself, because we're constantly being distracted by all of the dials on the space pod.... the seemingly contradictory and confusing demands of the body-mind machine we're wearing....  it is impossible to experience the present moment or anything like what we call reality, because we're filtering it through a billion-billion year old biological interpretive apparatus with a slight time lag built into it....  in the slight gap, a fraction of a millisecond, we are tricked into believing that our own make-believe, self-projected, mind-vision world is other than us....  pretty darn clever device....  amazing how "modern" scientists are discovering the same things as ancient scientists....  and all religions are saying the same thing

The Original Starship Enterprize

The latest story which I received from The Silence would be fun to unfold with you in real time in person.  But, I don't know when that will be, so....  I'll write some here.
Many science writers, philosophers, metaphysicians..... and so forth, point out that we have this amazing instrument called a human brain of which we humans appear to use only a small percentage.  I was pondering this idea, that we have this gigantic human thought machine atop our equally amazing central nervous system, the other day, while reading Albert Hoffman's book, LSD, My Problem Child, and studying Timothy Leary's Eight-Circuit Model of Human Consciousness, and listening to Robert Anton Wilson crack jokes and comments about neurological reality tunnels and what not....  and so, I decided to ask The Silence,
What is it with all of this seemingly unused human brain power?
Is Timothy Leary correct in that we have four circuits for life here on planet Earth and four unused evolutionary circuits for a future extraterrestrial life when we do our Star Trek thing?

The answer I received is very complicated and multifaceted, and I shall attempt to make it simple and brief.  The central nervous system, brain and spinal column, we know from Hindu science, is a a kind of living transducer/transformer.  We are grounded into the electromagnetic core of the planet through our feet.  Energy runs up our legs, pools at the base of the spine where it is mixed with descending spirit energy and converted from earth energy to water energy in the region of the first and second chakras.  At each transduction level, or chakra point, the earth energy is being combined with the spirit energy to produce water energy, fire energy, air energy and finally mind energy or the subtle energy we experience as thought, visions, feelings and so forth.  With this I am sure you are familiar.....   the rising of earth electromagnetic energy and its mixing with spirit-consciousness to form these distinctive energetic patterns we generally refer to as earth, water, fire, air and space, or ether....  these energies are all really one energy that is stepped up and down this living transduction ladder of the central channel or sushumna or the central nervous system to provide us with the varieties of experience and awareness that we relish and despise as humans.  Ok, fine....  but, there's another aspect of this mechanism that isn't often spoken of, except of course in occult circles, and it is this.
The molten electromagnetic core of the earth, the earth's sliding magnetic plates, the grounding feet of the human body, the fork of the legs, the central nervous system, and the brain are an enormous antenna and transmitter/receiver.  All of the earth energy is drawn up and focused at the brain core, inside the resonating/amplifying chamber of
the human skull, precisely upon the pineal gland for the purposes of transmitting and receiving energy.  We are a highly sophisticated kind of radio telescope, the tip of the antenna, the pineal gland, buried deep within the crenelated folds of the cerebral cortex.  The cerebral cortex, according to Terence Mckenna, is, the most highly rammified object in the know universe....  This means that it is extremely densely branched and layered, packed with literally billions upon billions of tiny living trees, axions and dendrites....  some say there are as many nerve cells in our brain as there are stars in the universe....  but, no one seems to know why there are so many and what they are all for.
Here's what The Silence said, actually, the human brain is the macrocosm in microcosm....  the human brain is the shape and structure of outer space....   that crenelated wonton floating in that primordial ocean soup of spinal/brain fluid...  the brain, is an actual duplicate in miniature of the Living Kosmos....  it is an actual miniature replica of what we call Outer Space.  There is an interior brain cell equivalent for every star, planet and galaxy in the Universe.  We are literally wired up in such a way that we are connected with every point in space.  The pineal gland is the exact center of the Universe, and it is connected to every point in infinite space simultaneously.  The human brain is a mirror of the growing, living, evolving matrix of eternal life and light.....  of the Kosmos and vice versa
Ok.  Now, while we are in the human bodily experience, the brain and the nervous system are actually being used to filter out erroneous data and tamp down this vast network of connections so that we can have this marvelous experience of being in a mortal human body, experiencing this life on planet earth as we know it.  While we are alive, it is the function and purpose of the brain and nervous system to reduce our awareness to the point where we can experience embodiment in the familiar form of a human being.  So, what all those brain cells and nerve cells are doing, is working twenty-four and seven to hold together this multidimensional earthly experience....  to create for each of us, a unique nerological reality tunnel..... a unique world view.  And it's pretty darn good.  It's amazing how real it feels to be in a body on a planet in a solar system in a galaxy and.....  surf on an ocean wave.....  It's pretty darn cool!
So, while we, The One Divine Conscious Person, are alive in a soul or individuated body, the entire structure is devoted to keeping us in place, keeping us alive in a believable movie, on a believable movie set, performing believable actions, with apparently believable others.  And, for the most part, the belief system, our own ego, works incredibly well.  But, what happens when we take powerful psychedelics, or have an experience of cosmic consciousness, or, when it all seems to go haywire momentarily and we find ourselves floating out of our body/brain into outer space?
The Silent Voice told me, psychedelics and various kinds of self-induced mystical experiences, generate a sudden and overwhelming flood of juice into the brain and central nervous system.  This causes the synapses to start firing in a random, disorderly pattern which generates all sorts of inexplicable hallucinations, feelings, sensations, etc....  the experiences of other worlds, beings, otherworldly feelings and
sensations, etc....  all of the varieties of psychedelic and so-called religious or mystical experience.  These experiences are fascinating in and of themselves, beautiful, mysterious and utterly believable, but....  what is actually happening is that we are short-circuiting the extremely powerful, highly sensitive and finely tuned apparatus of the human nervous system and the brain.
Here's the clue.  The brain naturally produces the most powerful psychedelic know to man, DMT, for the first twenty-eight days of life, at death, and possibly during the experience known as lucid dreaming.  And why is this?  The Voice of Silence says that DMT is produced at birth to activate the earthly experiential matrix, or, filtering, down-rachetting function of the brain, that is active during birth and through all of the growth stages of mundane life existence, and, moments before death, to activate the other function of the brain, that is, to turn on the Starship Enterprize birth/death inter-dimensional tunneling aspect....  that is to say, the pineal gland at the core of the brain becomes the final point where  consciousness energy gathers, the omega point, and once the lines that connect us to the body and earthly life are cast off, from the alpha point at the heart.... the whole subtle apparatus of the pineal lights up fully, which is not possible at any other time except when the pulsar at the sinoatrial node goes into lift off....  in other words, this whole Starship Enterprize hyper-drive, death-induced space-time worm-holing mechanism cannot and will not fully activate until we are fully clinically dead...... dead!!  because if it did, people would would just suddenly disappear into thin air!  hahaha!!!! 
So, at actual death..... lights suddenly go on at the brain core....  and, Presto!!!   we are on the bridge of the fully activated Starship Self and infinitely connected with all possible points in the galaxy and beyond..... the brain which has been keeping us safely encapsulated on earth quite automatically and naturally goes into hyper-dimensional, hyper-drive.... the time/space travel machine aspect.... the launchpad, rocketship aspect of the brain goes on....  the anywhere and everywhere go potential function of the brain, which is used to jump into hyper-dimensional space only becomes full activated upon death..... whereupon and when.... we, the One Consciousness is hurled faster than the speed of light into Its next incarnation/destination....  play the music
The One Consciousness that is appearing as every actor and actress on every stage everywhere at once....  just blips out of here....  to wherever whenever whatever....  it doesn't really fucking matter at all....  It, The One, is Everyone Everywhere Everywhen Already....
Roll the roulette wheel, throw the dice, spin the dials..... Beam me up, Scotty!~!~
So, the point is this....  The human organism is already off the launchpad on a time/space traveling machine beyond Captain Kirk's and Mr. Spock's wildest dreams!  Taking psychedelics and doing all these magic rituals and shit....  while amusing and fun and potentially deadly..... all this singing and dancing....  this turning on, tuning out, and dropping in etc....  well, it just turns on the count down mechanism in the brain....
there's some fun fireworks for a few seconds or hours..... and the brain just overrides these foolish, childish efforts to escape the planet...  until the actual failsafe mechanism is activated at both the omega and alpha points at true clinical death.  Even near death experiences are just interesting encounters within the brain on the launch pad as it were.....  and, the idea of inventing big heavy spaceships to travel around the infinite universe is rather redundant, considering we are already doing so every time we die.
Oh, and the little actor or actress, as whom we appear "to be" here, the so-called Alan or Kai, the person or persona, costume, mask, spacesuit....  the little one whom we appear as on the stage of life....  well....  that one is a kind of rocket fuel, catalyst, that one with all of its billions of atoms of atomic energy.... that big jolly funeral pyre of all the sentiments and cosmic elements....  that one is blown to smithereens on the way out of here....  hahahaha!!!!
There really is Only One....  and the way that we appear to be all of these beings and all of these places at once....  it's a really neat trick....  and no one needs a clue as to how its done.
Well, there you have it.....  the moment of birth/death, the DMT starlink, the Universe and the overgrown human cerebral cortex as the Original Starship Enterprize....


Had one of those "Teaching Nights" when I don't sleep a wink, but just lie there and listen to "The Voice in the Head" dictating some sort of extended lesson.  The brief synopsis as follows:
I.   The Matter Stream
       Solid, Liquid, Gas
II.  The Energy Stream
        The Electro-magnetic Spectrum
          Wave Dynamics
             Droplets, Waves, Tides, Currents, Whirlpools
III. The Life Stream
        All Life (The Tree of Life) Human Life
          Growth: Birth (Young, Middle, Old) Extinction
          The Yin/Yang Polarity
IV. The Mind Stream
         Thoughts: Kosmic (Laws, Patterns of) Design, The Three Human Thought Centers  
          Voices: All Sounds, Human Words
          Actions:  The Play of the Kosmos, Human Behavior
V.   The Consciousness Stream
          Awakeness, Awareness, Attention


Apparently these "Five Streams" are a further clarification on the traditional "Five Elements" which I have been working on in a visual format for some time.  Sure am glad I'm not trained in music, and have no proclivity for math, or I'd never get any sleep.

Yah-wey....  Wey-yah

Yah-wey is the Old Testament Heavy-weight, Crashing-Down, Dry Authoritarian Father..... Zeus-- the Thunderhead, the Storm God.....  Thor with the Crashing-Down Hammer....  the Horned God, the Stag in Full Array, Antlers-Branching-like-Lightnings, Smashing Heads Together, in Combat--- the Clash of Arms.....  Thunder, Lightning, the Storm God....  the Mastering, Fathering, Dominating, Down-Crashing....  Masculine Principle of Force-in-Action....  Kinetic Energy.....  ok.....  Yang, Zeus, Yah-wey, the masculine....  assertive, sudden and forceful response...  the Active Principle....  blah-blah-blah
Wey-yah is The Rain, The Mother, The Goddess, Organic Green Growing Nature....  the violent lashing rain, the torrential rain, the delicate mist, the steady drizzle all day for days, the violent flooding monsoon....  the Rain, the Moistness, Dampness, Wetness....  that always always accompanies the Thunder, the Lightning, the Storm.....  the Rain which is healing to the parched earth....  the Rain that is soothing to the thirsty creatures, the Rain which is life to the green growing ones.....  the All-drenching, All-healing, All-nutrifying, All-fructifying, All-loving, All-giving, All-caring, All-compassionate, All-encompassing.....  Rain, Water in all its forms.....  the Feminine Principle....  the nurturing principle, the giving principle..... the Mothering, Embracing, Inclusive, Unifying, Wholeness, Interconnectedness....  the One Who Raises UP the children, Who Raises Up the Garden....  wells up from the spring, flows in rivers, wells up and encompasses the land....  rises up, bends, flows and enfolds the whole earth....  the Up-Welling Principle of Deep Deep Wisdom....  Deep Deep Love....  Deep Deep Compassion....  Mother Mary and All the Saints, All the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas....  Potential Energy, the Un-tapped Dark Matter, Potentiality, the Unborn, the Unspeakable
Yah-wey and Wey-yah are intended to always move in harmony, always move as one unified force-field...  The quiet, the calm always before and after the storm.....  The masculine and feminine principles are one in every atom of matter.  They are not two, they are intended as one.  They are One.  Whole, Un-breakable

So, somewhere back a few years in history Yah-wey made a grab for power.  And we have had twelve thousand years of the forces of Yah-wey moving across the earth and destroying Wey-yah.....  Mother Nature, womankind and mankind..... its creatures, indigenous peoples....  wherever Yah-wey finds Her.....  Yah-wey rapes and pillages....  murders and burns Her.  Yah-wey is completely misguided.  He is a warrior who has lost his head in battle.  He is an ancient warrior who has lost his heart-mind, the bridge which connects the three islands: mind island, heart island and gut island......  the three realms, the three kingdoms.....  Yah-wey is an ancient warrior filled with blind rage making war on Wey-yah, His Beloved, His Eternal Partner..... 
And this is the crux of the whole modern myth.  Yah-wey, Zeus, the Ancient Warrior......  in the blindness of his battle-rage has lost sight of his profound, and sacred unity, his wholeness with Wey-yah..... the mother, the healer, the raiser of life....  the Natural World, Organic Growing Life.... the Warrior Myth has been at war with the Plant Myth....  for quite some time.....  at least as long as those Greeks started fucking young boys up the ass and enslaving women to their biology
In the end, the warrior without a head....  must travel through all of the realms with his horse as a guide....  find his missing head that he lost long ago on a battlefield somewhere that he can't even remember....  but, the horse can remember!!  thank goodness....  he must return to that long lost battlefield....  find his head and put it back on his body....  once he does that....  he will see the beauty of his beloved.....  he will truly see the natural world in all its beauty and splendor....  he will collapse on his knees....  weep for a million years.....  his tears will flow into the streams and rivers and oceans of the mother, the lover, the daughter.....  he will find the feminine again in himself and realize that he and the feminine....  nature and the warrior.....  man and woman are always one.....  an incarnating unit and co-creators of heaven and earth
yes the world will fructify and grow healthy again....  when the warrior and his boundless, beloved and wise nature....  woman-self re-unite....  same thing must happen in reverse for the feminine p/woman....  although, I don't think she ever lost her warrior spirit

till then....  we make art....  we make medicine....  we pound the male drum and sing the healing-woman songs
bless you woman spirit
thank you for pointing out the primal relationship between yah-wey and wey-yah
does not get anymore fundamental

keep thinkin butch....

1. hey there....  you caught me up for a moment....  yeah yeah....  if there's destiny, isn't it all destiny....?  i mean, even if.... when your train shows up, you're at the bus station....  even the not meeting of your destiny is destiny....  it's kind of a circular argument that there's no exit from....  lsd made me what i'm am today....  a nutcase.... and a half
2. and sure.... it's entirely possible to say the same thing for woman as for man....  wounded, headless and heartless....  therefore raging angry out of control....  always creating the opposite of what was intended....  i think the problem is with confusing the masculine principle with men and the feminine principle with women....  each cell contains both....  mother and father genes....  of course, from the man's side...  men have always and everywhere been fighting over "women and pigs", or "women and gold", if you're a Spaniard....  and what have women been fighting over?  cause lord knows....  younger and older women generally don't trust and can't stand one another for the most part...  seventies woman's movement aside.....  i'll admit that a proportion of them are fighting to be el conquistador, the knight in shining armor who sweeps away all the hot young things, but....  lesbians aside....  women are not fighting so much to become corporate ceo's with fancy silk ties...  they're fighting one another for....  from my estimates....  "men and gold".....  dumb lunks and things that glitter and shine.... 
Kali....  Kali is just Shiva on a bad hair day...  as Pallas Athena springs from the head of Zeus in full battle array....  they are interchangeable names for Dickhead Yah-wey anyway....  the Thunder-god....  whom we all know well....  mommy or daddy getting impatient with little baby boys and girls..... or the modern state in the form of highly caffeinated young testosterone-driven cops banging on my door on a monday morning i don't care to remember.....  sure....  women can be cops, too....  shiva and kali are fully interchangeable....  but, i don't think i want to
live in close intimate proximity to either one....  uncontrolled rage has its purposes no doubt....  on a battlefield fighting for waterhole rights, pussy and pigs, for example
till then, keep thinkin butch....  that's what you're good at (wink)

trance experience

Neuropsychological research distinguishes three overlapping yet discernible stages of trance experience. These begin with the “seeing” of geometric forms, such as dots, circles, crescents, zigzags, grids, or parallel and wavy lines. These forms, called phosphenes, have a luminous, brightly colored, pulsating character that fluctuates and metamorphoses. When the subject's eyes are open, these phosphenes are seen as though projected transparently upon surfaces such as rock walls. In the second stage of trance condition, some forms are given more significance than others and are seen as images of objects: A crescent may be a bowl, a zigzag may be a snake, and a grid a ladder. The third stage is entered by way of a tunnel or vortex experience, at the end of which a bright light is seen. The geometric forms of stage one transform into the lattice structure of the vortex into which the subject is pulled. Animal, human, and anthropozoomorphic figures begin to appear. Subjects feel by this third stage that they can fly and turn into animals or birds. Subjects become what they “see.”
Jean Clottes and J. D. Lewis-Williams note that:
These three stages are universal and wired into thehuman nervous system, though the meanings given to the geometrics of Stage One, the objects into which they are illusioned in Stage Two, and the hallucinations of Stage Three are all culture-specific. . . a San shaman may see an eland antelope; an Inuit will see a polar bear or a seal. But, allowing for such cultural diversity, we can be fairly sure that the three stages of altered consciousness provide a framework for an understanding of shamanic experiences (p.19)
Although some researchers acknowledge the shamanic experience, it is often viewed as strictlyhallucinatory and illusory in nature. This raises the question, Do we regard all shamanic experiences as hallucinatory or are there such things as valid and objective spiritual experiences?

space of silence

Liberation, moksha, enlightenment, nirvana, awakening, dying and being born again....  however it's phrased.  I never thought "it"....  Truth, God, Beauty....  God Realization, "the secret of life"....  etc.  would show up in the form of Master Cancer.  But "it" does.  Reality Itself, Consciousness Itself, That Which Is, Always Already The Case....  The Great Mystery....  turns out it's just death.  Death who has been walking along inside of us every step of the way since birth....  knocking at the heart's door, waiting to be let in. 
Being forced against one's will to remain awake all night in the cruel, sadistic, glaring hideous....  inhuman.... spaces of modern hospitals.... suffering repeated brutality under the hands of uncaring, unconscious, stressed-out doctors and nurses, lying for grievous months in mortal peril, staring into the bemused face of death, in extreme states of physical pain and mental anguish....  one may find, has its rewards!
The very bright peaceful blissful, healing space we enter into every night when we enter deep sleep.... is.... the very radiant floating calming, creating bright space we float in within inside the womb room prior to birth... is..... the very same white room without floors or walls at the cosmic traveller's junction, the soothing life-radiating retreat center... where we all retire to.... for a timeless eternity after death, or, transiting out of the temporal body. 
The space before birth, the space of deep sleep, the space after death prior to reentering the womb room of birthing....  why, they're all the same bright, radiant, free-floating, timeless, blissful, eternal state of beingness.
So.  How is it we don't realize this.... timeless and whole free-floating, radiant identity.... every moment of our lives here in incarnate form except in.... odd and fleeting glimpses of..... shards of broken glass thoughts.... flying apart and away perhaps at the speed of light's....  lily-white elusiveness?  There is only One Bright Conscious, Un-Broken Light, Only One Whole Being appearing as the All and the fractalized many.... and we, for better and worse... are "it".  Amazing and amusing.  The sly, dirty little trick of forgetfulness.  The automatic, unconscious art of forgetting, forgetting the Who and the What we are....  to allow for.... the fascination, the incredible obsession with.... the where, the journey, with its telling of.... the story of glory, the tale of time....  the secret and public drama of the days of our lives!  The grand narrative of each of our beloved and despised lives and the bone-grinding turn of human history....  The whole mad apparent event of human existence.... 

The above notes were taken from a series of conversations with a dear friend whose beloved husband died suddenly, and totally unexpectedly, of brain cancer after receiving his first radiation treatment in Yale University Hospital.

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