Some words find their way into the circle
Some words stick where they are applied
Like balm and a bandage
Some do not
Some words slide ooze and
Seem to seek an unknown shape
If you are of the tribe of angels
Or honey bees
Then you live upon pure nectar
While not the vile spices of the flowers of evil
These words may taste bitter to you
For I am of the trivial tribe
I wear hides
And gather roe into my maw
We are admittedly only very recent arrivals here
For perhaps a million years
We have lived just so
Opposing tooth and claw
With dagger and bow
I make no excuses for our hideous fury
Our blindness is obvious
What I have to say now
Is intended for my brothers and sisters
The killers
Forgive us father
For we know what we do.

All prayers worth praying
Are repeated through endless lifetimes
All actions unworthy
Must cease

The arrow sings to the target
The child dies just a little
Each and every day
For accuracy
The tooth of the animal
Shall be worn in reverence
The well-honed dart
Is strung upon ancient gears
Mind is in the beauty of the beast
And the bullet
Their speed and self-assurance
Their slow arc to ground
Performance must become steady
And measured as breathing
Placement as natural as the hart
As the edge of night
The hunter who knows patience
Will eat on the morrow
The gatherer who knows endurance
Hinders not the fleeting year.

All tales worth telling
Have been told a million-million times
All songs worth singing
Shall be sung so
I fall to earth
I have fallen so since birth
It must be so
And I rise
Freedom is not free and easy
Cell discipline is essential to life

The undisciplined mind
Is a cancer to the self
Cut the ice before break of day
Bend carefully
Each muscle must be taught
To relax and to attend
Broad limitations are built in
We breathe by design
We do not learn to transcend
Only to perform
The armature of the galaxy
And the ice chancer’s
Tiny feet
Must become one.

The eagle heals
By opening our eyes
The eagle takes us on a journey
Far away
Upon that long journey we see many things
We learn who we are and
Are not
We come down to earth
But we never forget
We never forget the eagle
Or the journey
Or who we are
The earth heals
By jogging our memory
The earth is the great memory
The place of departure
The place of return
The earth holds us like stones
Stones in a palm

Stones in a loving hand
The earth waits
Waits for us to remember.

Faith is knowing
It is the true edge of the ax of knowledge
Tempered in the flame of godhead
Tested again and again
And again
Upon the battlefield of this life
Faith lies near as hope flutters and
Dwindles with each storm
Hope is multiple
Its strength resides in multiplicity
Multiple veins in multiple leaves
All singing at once upon a multiplicity of branches
Tapping in the wind
Faith is the thickest
Deepest root
Nothing is certain
No one can predict the future
But this I know
The universe is off center
Understand this it is important
The planets drive far out into space
Then swing back upon the sun
The heart is nearer the head than the feet
The wheels of our heavenly cart are many
The wheels of heaven are elliptical
This is so
They are shaped like bird’s eggs
There is a multitude on board
Many who are alive many
Who are not

We rise and fall on our long journey
We rise again.

Tongues of earth
Tongues of fire
The land speaks to us of kinship
Tongues of humor
Tongues on high
The sky lows to us of change
Snow hies into rivulets
Blue rivers are built
From slivers of flame
Sparks upon a meadow kipper
The bear rises
No stranger to dung and birth.

Unheel the Boston
Untoe the Charleston
Unflap the flag
I am ready to dance
Are you?
The prima aria is sharp
Sexual rapture allegro
Ambition strife
The third act is brief
The song of death impales
Great blue heron
The bare soul is neither
Near nor far
Fast nor slow
It is closer than an ear

Gentler than adagio
The naked word is soft and warm
Yes it is fuzzy
And it undulates
While the air is clear soothing smooth
Like the seas Columbus sailed
It is dark and yet
It glows
Incarnadine seas where time ceases
How can I explain?

The ring of fire grows wide
We are meant to enter
Dawn is a rose
Which fades at dusk
There is a great teacher
Some call him Father or Grandfather
He has no name
None which may be spoken
That is why others call him Holy One or
Holy Name
He has a wife who has many names
All of which might be learned in time
But it would take many lifetimes to learn them all
They have many many children
It would take many many children many many lifetimes
To hug them all
We might try a few
Let us go then
Let us go there to where they live
Let us go there to meet them

The lost tribes
Let us hug them
And be hugged by them.

Darkness chides with dazzle
Hatching a beech upland
Shadows toss and beck
From bole to holl
A sylvan rill a lash of gold
Is met with infant wonder
Whose taw kissed
Who fletches the infinite azure?
Whilst in the hemlockt tarn
The finest furze n ice crystal islands
Though they have lost a lot
Their tallest spires and wind-carved bridges
Yet still they stand purchase
For him who must
Cross the boggy firmament
In a moment spring
Will deliver the worms
And the old white general will surrender
Herein fern
Will greet fell with purfled nomenclature
Tender shanks befriend banks
Stitched and hemmed with gems no worse
Sun-speckled frogs
So many brave tenors in wet-suits
Even now they throng
Assemble for song
Crafting fresh voices
Churring swell odes
What dapper toads!
What a dandy choir!

Don’t just galumph
Headlong into paradise
And start swinging that thing like Hernando Cortez
In a frenzy after gold!
Speak quietly
To a tree first
And if you would know the Mind of God

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