A li’l cyberbalm medicine… for our morning ills.
Today. Forthwith. Before it’s too late!
This twenty-eighth day of February 2018!—
e=(m)c2 (c2 is the speed of light squared… an extremely fast velocity)
energy is a form of matter, matter is a form of energy
emptiness is form, form is emptiness
samsara is nirvana, nirvana is samsara
emptiness is form, form is emptiness
samsara is nirvana, nirvana is samsara
bon=experiential phenomena=matter(perceivable reality)=mass
U=Universe=the totality of all matter
B=Bon=the totality of all experiential phenomena
E=Energy=the totality of all energy
mind forms, heart and gut feelings, are energy
everyone, everything, every experience is energy
everyone, everything, every experience is energy
C=Citta=Consciousness=Mind Essence=the totality of all mind
Consciousness(the totality of mind)=
Universe(the totality of matter)=
Bon(the totality of experiential phenomena)=
Energy(the totality of energy)=?
Bodhicitta=Enlightenment Mind
Enlightenment Mind=[(citta)c2]2
Enlightenment Mind is the human brain mechanism accelerated to a
velocity equivalent to (the speed of light squared) squared
velocity equivalent to (the speed of light squared) squared
Enlightenment Mind=[(heart/gut/mind… bon phenomena)c2]2
Enlightenment Mind is equivalent to the neuronal perception of
apparent reality times the speed of light squared
times the speed of light squared!
apparent reality times the speed of light squared
times the speed of light squared!
No. I’m not repeating myself.
Yes. I am repeating myself!
Yes. I am repeating myself!
An alarming speed by any measure!!
We’re talking about a simultaneous heart expansion and implosion of primordial consciousness in the mortal mind matrix here.
That being the brilliant, the bright, the shining… although perhaps unfortunate case.
I propose:
I mean. What could be left after such a cataclysm?!
But. Not to lose all hope! Consider this. It says on the internet…
Somewhere! Look it up!! That—
Tonpa Shenrab Miwoche first descended from a heaven world, Sidpa Yesang—
as an azure-colored cuckoo bird, herald of spring…
Shenrab Miwo eventually wandered into Zhang Zhung from a western land called Olmo Lungring where he was a noted prince… to retrieve his “seven blue horses” from the demon-prince, Khyab-pa Lag-ring, who later became Miwo’s disciple. In Tibetan, Shenrab’s country is also called sTag-gzig, Shangri-La, and Shambhalla.
Precisely!! So you see.
That is why I am offering this Quantum Metaphysical Mandala Mantle as a Study for a proposed—
Bon Super-Collider at Getsuk Yung Drung!!
The Nine Successive Vehicles times nine
Rotating utterly independently
Time forward and time in reverse
The radiant primordial melting down core of this
Highly aesthetic particle-and-wave-enhancer-accelerator
OM-AH-HUM mind-collider
Digitally overlain in translucently layered succession
Within the parallel divine realm of Adobe Photoshop no less
Revealing the Four-Petalled Portals wherein
Primal purity
Bliss radiance love non-conceptuality
Merging into the winds channels bindus and the
Native elemental combustibles arising
As empty fullness full emptiness
And the Quixotic Quadratic Diamond Treasury!
The Totality of All and all that is
Heart full and mind empty!
This once in a lifetime eternal offer!
To all noble sentient tube worms in their
Radiant receptive li’l reality tunnels
Tunneling funneling toward
The infinity of zero
Toward a general theory of living and dying
This… Bonpo-not meets Einstein-maybe
This… the Good the Bon and the Beautiful then
This… Proposal for a New Metaphysical World Order!
Flowing out in all directions
From plea to shining plea
Forthwith out of the clear lightning revelation that
Energy equals Essence equals Enlightenment
Equals Emptiness
The only propitious answer to
The nine profoundly erroneous immortal
Questions of Lapsang Souchong!
Merging into the winds channels bindus and the
Native elemental combustibles arising
As empty fullness full emptiness
And the Quixotic Quadratic Diamond Treasury!
The Totality of All and all that is
Heart full and mind empty!
This once in a lifetime eternal offer!
To all noble sentient tube worms in their
Radiant receptive li’l reality tunnels
Tunneling funneling toward
The infinity of zero
Toward a general theory of living and dying
This… Bonpo-not meets Einstein-maybe
This… the Good the Bon and the Beautiful then
This… Proposal for a New Metaphysical World Order!
Flowing out in all directions
From plea to shining plea
Forthwith out of the clear lightning revelation that
Energy equals Essence equals Enlightenment
Equals Emptiness
The only propitious answer to
The nine profoundly erroneous immortal
Questions of Lapsang Souchong!
Om Ah Hum Pity Dum Pity… Om Ah Hum Pity Dum Pity… Om Ah Hum—
“And all the king’s horses
And all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Hum pity to
Gether again!”
And don’t forget to mail those bills!!