When I was a boy growing up in New Orleans my parents had a deep, dark “walk in” closet. I always found closets to be interesting places to hang out and explore; the bigger the better. Something about the dark, the closeness and the distinct smell of closets seems to make them an exciting place for a child’s imagination. They serve as private sanctuaries, secret clubs, quiet places for a child to escape to and be alone with their perhaps… wondrous imaginings.
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, C.S. Lewis’s first book of the famous fifties trilogy, The Chronicles of Narnia, took this natural inclination of children’s fascination for tight, hidden spaces and expanded it into a vast, magical, moral tale.
Perhaps it is the cave-like nature of closets which fires the neurons of our long, dark past associations with real, earthen caves. Once upon a time, we were taught in grammar school as young, impressionable children, our “ancient human ancestors” sought warmth, dry shelter, and safety from wild animals—gigantic cave bears and terrifying saber tooth tigers—in caves. Not so very long ago, then, in a child’s magical manner of thinking… we lived in small, tightly knit, colorful kinship groups called tribes; wore the warm, furry, smooth… fragrant skins of the very animals we admired, celebrated, and hunted. Our first homes were portable, either wooden stick and dead animal hide shelters which we carried on our backs; or, temporary, built from raw, natural materials found at hand, as we followed the great herds of animals we depended upon for food, on long, dangerous, meandering, exciting, rewarding, obligatory, recurrent… seasonal migratory hunts.
And, we were “cave dwellers”. Cave men, cave women, and cave children. Caves were our first true, stay in one place, stable homes.
At some point we come to learn that the first representational drawings, the first “art” endeavors of humankind perhaps, are to be found preserved on earthen ceilings and clay walls in the deep, dark, hidden recesses of caves in faraway, exotic places like… Lascaux and Altamira. We will also learn about pirates.
Aaaaahhhh. Pirates! Treasure maps! Buried treasure! Aye, maties!!
On some far far distant day, in a magic land far far away… Shangri-la, Ladhak or Shambhala perhaps… we may even learn about termas, mind treasures, and, tertons, treasure seekers
Does the name Padmasambhava ring a temple bell?
The Syllable by Syllable Commentary Explaining the Benefits and Advantages of the Vajra Guru Mantra
By the great tertön Karma Lingpa (14th century)
The Vajra Guru Mantra is the mantra associated with Guru Rinpoche, also known as Padmasambhava. This is a draft translation of a treasure text which explains the Vajra Guru Mantra. It was originally concealed during the time of Padmasambhava in Tibet and later rediscovered by Karma Lingpa (14th century) who brought it forth from its place of concealment and copied it down on reams of gold. It is simply known as "The Syllable by Syllable Commentary Explaining the Benefits of the
Vajra Guru Mantra." It begins with an invocation and then goes into a dialogue between Yeshe Tsogyal, the spiritual consort of Padmasambhava, and Padmasambhava himself.
And so, Yeshe Tsogyal begins:
I, the woman Yeshe Tsogyal, having offered to you the inner and outer mandala on a vast scale, have the following request. Oh great teacher, Pema Jungne, you have been extremely kind to us, the Tibetan people, leaving for us a legacy that will benefit us now and in future lives. Your kindness is so great that we have never experienced anything like this before, nor will we ever experience anything like this in the future. In particular, so that now even though I am a humble person, I have no doubt that I will attain enlightenment.
In the future, sentient beings will have very short attention spans and a great many things will clutter and occupy their minds. Their characters will be rough and difficult to tame. They will develop many wrong views towards the sacred Dharma. In particular, a time will come when people will cast dispersions on the Secret Mantra teaching of the unsurpassable levels of tantra. At that time, all sentient beings will suffer heavily from disease, famine, and war. Because of the spread of these three calamities, in particular, China, Tibet and Mongolia will experience the same kind of turmoil as an ant's nest when it is destroyed, and the time will come for the people of Tibet to suffer greatly. Though you have spoken at length of many skillful means to salvage what is possible from that situation, sentient beings in the future will not have the time to practice. Even though they may have some slight inclination to practice, they will encounter many great obstacles. Sentient beings will experience a great deal of disharmony. They won't be able to get along or reach any kind of accord, and in the wake of this, their behavior will become very impure. Bad times such as this will be very difficult to avert. That being the case, what kinds of benefits and advantages would there be for those beings in the future were they to rely solely upon the Vajra Guru Mantra as their practice? I ask you to
And so, Yeshe Tsogyal begins:
I, the woman Yeshe Tsogyal, having offered to you the inner and outer mandala on a vast scale, have the following request. Oh great teacher, Pema Jungne, you have been extremely kind to us, the Tibetan people, leaving for us a legacy that will benefit us now and in future lives. Your kindness is so great that we have never experienced anything like this before, nor will we ever experience anything like this in the future. In particular, so that now even though I am a humble person, I have no doubt that I will attain enlightenment.
In the future, sentient beings will have very short attention spans and a great many things will clutter and occupy their minds. Their characters will be rough and difficult to tame. They will develop many wrong views towards the sacred Dharma. In particular, a time will come when people will cast dispersions on the Secret Mantra teaching of the unsurpassable levels of tantra. At that time, all sentient beings will suffer heavily from disease, famine, and war. Because of the spread of these three calamities, in particular, China, Tibet and Mongolia will experience the same kind of turmoil as an ant's nest when it is destroyed, and the time will come for the people of Tibet to suffer greatly. Though you have spoken at length of many skillful means to salvage what is possible from that situation, sentient beings in the future will not have the time to practice. Even though they may have some slight inclination to practice, they will encounter many great obstacles. Sentient beings will experience a great deal of disharmony. They won't be able to get along or reach any kind of accord, and in the wake of this, their behavior will become very impure. Bad times such as this will be very difficult to avert. That being the case, what kinds of benefits and advantages would there be for those beings in the future were they to rely solely upon the Vajra Guru Mantra as their practice? I ask you to
relate this for the benefit of individuals in the future who are not able to perceive this and therefore have to have it explained to them.
Then the great master, Pema Jungne replied:
Then the great master, Pema Jungne replied:
OM AH HUNG are the sublime, essence of the principles of enlightened body, speech, and mind VAJRA is the sublime essence of the indestructible family GURU is the sublime essence of the jewel family PEMA is the sublime essence of the lotus family SIDDHI is the sublime essence of the activity family HUNG is the sublime essence of the transcendent family
OM AH HUNG are the life force of the three classes of tantra VAJRA is the life force of the monastic discipline and the sutra class of teachings GURU is the life force of abhidharma and kriya (action) yoga, the first level of tantra PEMA is the life force of the charya (conduct) yoga, the second class of tantra, and yoga (joining) tantra, the third class of tantra SIDDHI is the life force of the mahayoga and anuyoga classes of teachings HUNG is the life force of the ati yoga, the Natural Great Perfection (Dzogchen)
OM AH HUNG are the life force of the three classes of tantra VAJRA is the life force of the monastic discipline and the sutra class of teachings GURU is the life force of abhidharma and kriya (action) yoga, the first level of tantra PEMA is the life force of the charya (conduct) yoga, the second class of tantra, and yoga (joining) tantra, the third class of tantra SIDDHI is the life force of the mahayoga and anuyoga classes of teachings HUNG is the life force of the ati yoga, the Natural Great Perfection (Dzogchen)
OM AH HUNG purify obscurations arising from the three mental poisons: desire/attachment, aversion, and ignorance VAJRA purifies obscurations which stem from anger GURU purifies obscurations which stem from pride
PEMA purifies obscurations which stem from desire/attachment SIDDHI purifies obscurations which stem from envy/jealousy HUNG in a general way purifies obscurations which stem from all emotional afflictions
Through OM AH HUNG one attains the three kayas Through VAJRA one realizes mirror-like pristine awareness Through GURU one realizes the pristine awareness of equalness Through PEMA one realizes the pristine awareness of discernment Through SIDDHI one realizes the all-accomplishing pristine awareness Through HUNG one realizes the pristine awareness of basic space
Through OM AH HUNG gods, demons, and humans are subdued Through VAJRA one gains power over malevolent forces of certain gods and demons Through GURU one gains control over the malevolent forces of the Lord of Death and the cannibal demons Through PEMA one gains control over the malevolent influences of the water and wind elements Through SIDDHI one gains control over the malevolent influences of non-human forces and spirits bringing harm and exerting negative control over one's life Through HUNG one gains control of the malevolent influences of planetary configurations and earth spirits
Through OM AH HUNG gods, demons, and humans are subdued Through VAJRA one gains power over malevolent forces of certain gods and demons Through GURU one gains control over the malevolent forces of the Lord of Death and the cannibal demons Through PEMA one gains control over the malevolent influences of the water and wind elements Through SIDDHI one gains control over the malevolent influences of non-human forces and spirits bringing harm and exerting negative control over one's life Through HUNG one gains control of the malevolent influences of planetary configurations and earth spirits
OM AH HUNG accomplishes the six spiritual virtues VAJRA accomplishes pacifying activity GURU accomplishes enriching activity
PEMA accomplishes magnetizing activity SIDDHI accomplishes enlightened activity in general HUNG accomplishes wrathful enlightened activity
OM AH HUNG avert all imprecations and curses VAJRA averts the negative consequences of breaking one's samaya with the deities of pristine awareness GURU averts the negative influences of the eight classes of gods and demons in samsara PEMA averts the negative influences of nagas and earth spirits HUNG averts the negative influences of gods, demons, humans, samsaric gods
OM AH HUNG defeats the army of the five mental poisons VAJRA defeats anger GURU defeats pride PEMA defeats desire/attachment SIDDHI defeats envy and jealousy HUNG defeats the armies of gods, demons and humans
OM AH HUNG brings about the spiritual accomplishments or siddhis VAJRA brings about the siddhi of peaceful and wrathful deities GURU brings about the siddhi of the awareness-holders and the lineage gurus PEMA brings about the siddhi of the dakas and dakinis and dharma protectors
SIDDHI brings about the mundane and supreme siddhis HUNG brings about the siddhi of accomplishing whatever one wishes
SIDDHI brings about the mundane and supreme siddhis HUNG brings about the siddhi of accomplishing whatever one wishes
OM AH HUNG transfers consciousness to the pure realms of experience VAJRA transfers consciousness to the eastern pure realm of Manifest Joy GURU transfers consciousness to the southern pure realm of Glory & Splendor PEMA transfers consciousness to the western pure realm of Great Bliss SIDDHI transfers consciousness to the northern pure realm of Excellent Activity HUNG transfers consciousness to the central pure realm of Unwavering
Ah. Excuse me. The deep, dark “walk in” closet when I was a boy.
Yes. It wreaked of moth balls. There were two rows of large—taller and wider than a child—rectangular-shaped, diamond-stitch-sewn reinforced, zippered “hanging bags” on either side with a shrinking passage down the middle. By the time I reached the farthest back row of these mysterious zipper-closed hanging bags, I was in deep, camphor-infused, heady darkness. Inside of these curiosity-arousing hanging storage bags were ultra-soft animal furs, faded rustling grass skirts, elaborately-constructed, brightly-colored, cotton-polyester-silk “ball gowns”, peculiar, glued-felt, sequin-and-rhinestone-encrusted masquerade and unknown celebration costumes, rayon and silk, super-cool Hawaiian shirts
It was a magical place. A secret place where a young boy’s imagination could be freed to wander. The grass skirts. And the Hawaiian shirts. Were my favorite costumes to wear. Before I discovered the forbidden pleasures of ladies lingerie.
Plain, faded grass Hawaiian hula skirts. And lovely, short-sleeve, “vintage” Hawaiian shirts from just after the war. The second world war.
My father, at twenty-seven years of age, was called up to serve and stationed on Oahu for a year beginning on Christmas 1952... three years before I was born. My mother went over to Hawaii to spend a year there with him. She stayed in an apartment directly across the street from Wakiki Beach. There were only two
hotels there at the time. The Royal Hawaiian and the Ala Moana Surfrider, both on Wakiki Beach, then as now. My mother remembers her time in Hawaii as “the best time of her life”. She and newly met, young female friends of hers were free to roam the sparsely human inhabited, richly floral displayed, “exotic”, unspoiled islands while "their men were out to sea”.
One of her friends was named Penny. Penny was the wife of Bob Allen. Bob Allen was a high-ranking captain in the Navy. My father was an ensign-junior grade. He would eventually make the rank of commander after thirty-four years in the naval reserves. He went to Tulane University on a US NAVY ROTC and track scholarship
But, where are we headed? Wandering again in the Halls of Amenti.
Oh. Captain Bob Allen and Aunt Penny. They were close friends of my parents for a time, for a few decades. When my parents were still married. We called them, Uncle Bob and Aunt Penny. They had two sons, Rickie and Douglas. I don’t recall much about Douglas. He was tall and silent. Very tall, and quite a bit older than I. Rickie was older, too. A teenager, when I was a boy. Rickie made incredibly beautiful, precisely painted WWII model airplanes. At least, to my young boy’s eye, his model airplanes were astonishingly well done. Real art!
Bob Allen was a very tall man. Six-foot-six at least. And, to a young boy… anyone over six-foot-five is a mythical giant. He was also a very quiet, or what we call, a “reserved” man. I looked up to him, then. I admired Bob Allen.
One day, perhaps while we were visiting him and his family at their vacation compound in Covington, Louisiana. They had a nice spread over in Covington, “across the lake”. Several houses, so each guest family had their own lodging. Nice old hand-built, refined southern-style, cypress and pecan wood, country homes on a series of small ponds stocked with large mouth bass and…
Oh, yeah. Bob was a good, “committed”, lifelong fisherman like my dad. Bob was a yankee from up north originally. But, he met Penny in college at Tulane in New Orleans, and they ended up settling down in the “deep south” where Penny’s family was from
Damn it. I’m getting distracted again.
One fateful day, Bob took me into his private study. He went into a drawer in an old, musty wooden filing cabinet and pulled out an old dusty file. Out of that file he extracted an old, yellowed sheet of paper. On that paper was a hand-drawn map. On that map were the coordinates, the latitude and longitude, of an island. Not just any island. A very specific island in the Caroline and Marshall Islands.
Bob told me. In hushed and serious tones. I discovered this island when I was in the navy during the war. This island is beautiful. It is uninhabited. I wandered all over this island for a couple of days. Just me. This island has everything a man needs to survive. One day I’m going back to live on that island.
But. I’m getting older. And as we get older, life gets more complicated. The truth is. I don’t know when, or if, I will ever make it back to that island.
So. I want to give you this map. This is an authentic treasure map. It’s not that I or some pirate has buried a treasure there for you to find. No.
But, the island itself. The island itself is pristine, untouched, undisturbed by man. The island itself with all of its natural… truth and beauty. The island is the treasure.
I’m entrusting you with this secret map. No one else knows about this treasure island. It is our private secret now. Now, we are the only two people alive who know of this island.
And I hope. That some day. Even if I don’t return. That some day, in the far distant future perhaps… That you will make it to this treasure hold… to this island.
That you will find “paradise”
Well. Years went by. Like they do. Somewhere around twelve years of age, I distinctly remember designing spectacular, elaborate blimps. Doing lead pencil and ball-point pen drawings of “lighter-than-air” dirigibles. The flying machines of choice in the wide open, “friendly skies” of my twelve-year-old imagination. These magnificent early flying machines, the purpose of which in my yet youthful heart-mind’s eye, were to ferry me across the Pacific Ocean. To the South Seas. To my own private island. To my own hidden paradise.
Then. Time moves on. As it does.
I lost track of Uncle Bob and Aunt Penny. They moved on gracefully into the mystery as we all do eventually. But.
I just want to say. Thanks, and HELLO! Captain Allen, sir.
Blow the pipe, boatswain! Cap’m comin’ on board!
We’ll be cruising at a variable altitude of one to three leagues, at a variable speed of approximately plus-three to minus-three knots….