Well. Here we are again, assumed…?
No never!!
Hoped and prayed for… Yes.
Magically summoned… Indeed.
However. As of yet… admittedly… imaginary reader.
Would that be iReader?
Or, is it cReader? C for cyber. Cybereader.
Dear C.
Yes. Dear CC. Committed Cybereader!!
Beloved Punk.
Email “associates”, “friends” on Facebook, “followers” on Adobe… virtual partners in an alternate, parallel… other than face-to-face… magical, imaginary and technologically designed… cybereality…. the Net, the Web
The Cyber “Romper Room”? The Cyber Womb-to-Tomb? Cyber What?!
Well, “for old time’s sake”… let’s just call it… “another morning in paradise”. Even if it is… a cyber-morning in a cyber-paradise.
Yes. Here “we”… “Me”. The Eminent Cyber Host of this Multi-Ringed Cyber Circus… the Generator and Operator of OmWork. The little green merman behind the Redwood Curtain
And, the simultaneously ever appearing… “always already the case”… the generous, quiet, courteous listener… “You”.
Would you like a cup of fresh dragon well tea? I always start the day with a nice warm cup of dragon well. There now
Here… ever and always appearing… The Proverbial Here. Where else is there? Right?
Here we wander again. Virtual strangers in a wired world. Brave pilgrims in a brave new digital land.
Now, let’s see. What is today’s topic, children?
Causes of Death (Data from 2015 unless otherwise noted) Number
All Causes 2,712,630
Major Cardiovascular Diseases [MCD] 832,024
Diseases of Heart [subset of MCD] 633,842
Cerebrovascular Diseases [subset of MCD] 140,323
Malignant Neoplasms [Cancer] 595,930
Deaths Attributed to Tobacco Smoking (Each year from 2005 through 2009) 480,320
Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases 155,041
Accidents (Unintentional Injuries) [Total] 146,571
Motor Vehicle Accidents [subset of Total Accidents] 37,757
Alzheimer's Disease 110,561
Diabetes Mellitus 79,535
Influenza and Pneumonia 57,062
Drug-Induced Deaths 55,403
Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome and Nephrosis 49,959
Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide) 44,193
Septicemia 40,773
Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis 40,326
Alcoholic Liver Disease [subset of Chronic Liver Disease] 21,028
Injury by Firearms 36,252
Alcohol-Induced Deaths 33,171
Parkinson's Disease 27,972
Pneumonitis Due to Solids and Liquids 19,803
Homicide 17,793
Viral Hepatitis 7,461
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Disease 6,465
All Illicit Drugs Combined 17,000
Cannabis (Marijuana) 0
2016 Data Detailing Drug-Induced Deaths, Breaking Out Specific Data
for Natural and Semi-Synthetic Opioids (including Oxycodone), Synthetic
Opioids (including Fentanyl), and Heroin, as Reported by the CDC
Total Deaths Attributed to Drug Overdose 63,632
Deaths Involving Any Opioid 42,249
Deaths Involving Heroin 15,469
Deaths Involving Natural and Semi-Synthetic Opioids 14,487
Deaths Involving Methadone 3,373
Deaths Involving Synthetic Opioids Other Than Methadone 19,413
Oh no. Much too early to invite Señor Cancer and his gang of thieves to the operating table.
Don’t you agree, Reader Dearest?
Hard on the delicate, chemo-blistered digestion this early in the morning.
Let’s stick with Captain Kanga-rhubarb and Mr. Green Genetically Modified this grey, foggy morning after… after the fine Oaxacan mescal tasting.
And maybe a nice thick slice of jalapeño flavored local Humboldt grass-fed organic beef jerky?
Go for it, pirate.
OK. We’ve all heard the idiomatic expression: “Can’t see the forest for the trees.”
It is a truly notable expression… which at this precise point in the “yellow wood” of this apparently “ever-expanding universe” of… these theoretical, heretical, horticultural… “Confessions”
The Confessions of Saint Augustine - Wikipedia
1 Cached
2 Similar
Confessions (Latin: Confessiones) is the name of an autobiographical work, consisting of 13 books, by Saint Augustine of Hippo, written in Latin between AD 397 and 400. The work outlines Saint Augustine's sinful youth and his conversion to Christianity. Modern English translations of it are sometimes published under the ...
Outline (by book) · Purpose · References · Sources
2 Similar
Confessions (Latin: Confessiones) is the name of an autobiographical work, consisting of 13 books, by Saint Augustine of Hippo, written in Latin between AD 397 and 400. The work outlines Saint Augustine's sinful youth and his conversion to Christianity. Modern English translations of it are sometimes published under the ...
Outline (by book) · Purpose · References · Sources
The forest and the trees forthwith!
Once upon a time, there was a solemn woodsman with a very sharp ax to grind
No no no…. not quite.
For a very, v e r y l o o ong time, here, in the west world.
Art… FINE ART… high-minded, whole-hearted art… art of profundity, highest intent, and singular moral, spiritual purpose… art with what Clive Bell might refer to as “significant form”
What “art” was about then. For thousands upon thousands of years… for perhaps aeons upon aeons of time then.
What True Art was about was G O D.
How God Almighty, and… the equivocating gods…. were perceived, and, represented during different epochs of human history… in different places and times upon OUR BESIEGED PLANET Earth… were manifold.
In order to simplify the vast dark, dank “forest” of gods, goddesses… and G O D—-representational art. In order to
Allow me to reduce the entire 13.8 billion year old “evolutionary” forest to one simple, easy to picture and understand “child friendly” metaphor.
And. In order to clarify the titanic spumy… tempestuous ocean of small truths… wavering, ardent, heartfelt misconceptions… “fake news” and outright, evil-intentioned lies… caught in the drift net of the world-encompassing Net
God, considered as an abstraction, an idea, a conceptual whim… a historical fad, a religious icon, a personal deity… a supercilious point in a dubious debate… or, the exclusive private property of one chosen group of
hideous hierophants and their squirming sycophant followers. Does not exist.
God, conceived of as a humble, ingenious pot maker; a generous, kindly old greybeard; a savage, revengeful warrior king; a modern technologic wizard…. a missing alien space fleet commander! Or, a dead-beat dad. Does not exist.
Oh, there is a God, the Father. There is a God, the Son. And, yes… believe it or not…
There is a God, the Mother.
And a God, the Sister.
Although of late, the Original Holy Family, or, Ye Olde Triune Gode…
The Holy Number Three… the plus, the minus, and the neutral wire… which is capable of generating the entire… cyber-electro-magnetic-chemical-algorithmic-genetic-spectrum… “nightmare of history”… from which James Joyce and his readers are still “trying to awake”
Lately… unfortunately for Mother Earth… God, the Mother, has been abducted… and replaced by a faceless impostor… a sexless automaton… the Holy Ghost!?
Oh, you’ve noticed? Have you, sister?
Yes. It is sadly true. God, the Mother, and, God, the Sister, have both been run out of the—“his”—historic sepulcher—the holy see—vatican city— by “his”— valiant, heavenly soldiers… the somnambulant supporters of the lightly-clad… spurious Holy Ghost.
Oh sure. God, the father, mother, sister, brother, other… they all exist. They exist as you and me and every other human being, animal, plant and molecule who lives and breathes on this tiny, delicate womb in infinite, far from empty, luminous space. Sure, we, the singular god and gods, are real. Don’t get me wrong.
And sure. We can all be righteous, goodly subjects of “sacred” art. As a devout measure and timely consequence of our shared, divine stature in the midst of our profanity. And why not?
But. Let’s not get carried away with our cocaine-enlivened, scientific-materialistic, techno-pop-dance-musical, night-glowing, desert-rave hyper-enthusiasm for
“throwing the” grand old astral
big bang “baby out with the” primordial
big bang “baby out with the” primordial
sub-quantum steaming plasmatic-fantastic fiery “bath water”
GOD is the river of reality itself
GOD is the ocean of consciousness
GOD is the forest and the tree of self
GOD is the seed and the flower of mind
GOD is the quantum and the quorum of matter
GOD is the sound and the silence
GOD is the ground beneath our feet
GOD is the energy-substance of being
GOD is the gasp of immortal light
GOD is the quark divine and the dark
GOD is the ocean of consciousness
GOD is the forest and the tree of self
GOD is the seed and the flower of mind
GOD is the quantum and the quorum of matter
GOD is the sound and the silence
GOD is the ground beneath our feet
GOD is the energy-substance of being
GOD is the gasp of immortal light
GOD is the quark divine and the dark
The inconceivable depths of the dark moment, and, the vast bright mystery of eternal death.
. . . …………………. . . . . . . . . . .
The circle is the range of the wolf
The arrow bent back upon itself is the territory
The alpha female leads the pack
She sings the law of sacrifice
Summoning beloved deer and reindeer
She is the lead killer among us
Her jaws are diamond thunderbolts
The arrow bent back upon itself is the territory
The alpha female leads the pack
She sings the law of sacrifice
Summoning beloved deer and reindeer
She is the lead killer among us
Her jaws are diamond thunderbolts
Make no mistakes about this
The alpha female tests encircles her mate
We are all her pups
Bringing down the great caribou yogi
This is our passion our glory
We descry the great bear together
We work as a team
Each of us has an incisor in the hunt
This is our passion our glory
We descry the great bear together
We work as a team
Each of us has an incisor in the hunt
Do not miscalculate your worth
Do not begrudge the value of another
Step carefully
Show your teeth and your tail
The time to die is today
The time to live
Is now
Do not begrudge the value of another
Step carefully
Show your teeth and your tail
The time to die is today
The time to live
Is now